background & purpose
Thailand Beauty and Personal Care Market
The largest product segments in Thailand’s beauty market are skincare (42%), hair products (15%), soaps and hygiene (14%), oral and dental care (12%), and makeup (12%) in 2021. The ‘Cosmetics’ segment of the Thai beauty & personal care market is forecast to demonstrate sustained growth between 2023 and 2028, with total revenue expected to expand by US$226.1 million (+31.02%). Following eight consecutive years of increase, the indicator is projected to attain a record level of US$955.01 million by 2028. Sales of makeup products, especially lipsticks and makeup foundations, increased by 71 percent in 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, and the growth of the makeup products market is expected to outpace skincare products.
To understand the mass cosmetics market in Thailand, GLOBAL ANGLE conducted a comprehensive research on competitors and retails in Thailand from the perspectives of products, marketing, sales channels, as well as future potentials in the market.
project scope & action
Conduct desk research on the competitor brands, products, the industry trend, and distribution in Thailand.
Conduct interviews to manufacturers and retailers in order to understand the competitors strategies in Thailand and the retailers functions.
Analyse and summarise the results of the desk research and the interviews.
- Competitor Profile
- Top Products List
- Availability at Physical Stores