SNS Analysis

Access Digital Consumer Intelligence for strategic insights and marketing intelligence derived from a combination of real-time online data, customer data, desk research and field research.

How does GLOBAL ANGLE Differentiate our SNS Analysis?

Artificial & Human Intelligence

A Global Partner

A Trusted Solution

A Global Partner

How does GLOBAL ANGLE help in your SNS Analysis?

Understand your consumer & market

Be the first to anticipate consumer thoughts and trends by analyzing millions of online conversations in real time

Discover consumer trends

Monitor online conversations to uncover what consumers are saying about your brand and competitors.

Find new ways to differentiate your brand

Vividly understand your audience to build messaging that stands out.

Drive product development

Collect real-time consumer feedback to create products that consumers crave.

Sentiment & Emotion Analysis

Global Angle’s sentiment and emotion analysis capabilities help you reveal reliable insights and truly understand your consumers’ motives and impulses.


Focuses on the consciously expressed opinion of mentions.


Reflects the subconscious state of mind.

Audience Demographics

Global Angle turns actionable insights, consumer segmentation and cultural understanding into well-informed business strategies.

Understand your target audience

Global Angle uses machine learning to understand who makes up your target audience.

Go beyond traditional segmentation

Dig deeper into your target market, more than age, gender and location.

Competitive & Trend Analysis

Global Angle gives you access to a global pool of online consumer discussion.

Online share of voice

Get the full-picture insight on the size of your online presence relative to your competitors.

Spot trends across the globe

Monitor and discover where, when and how customers talk about your brand vs. your competitors.