Income Distribution in New Mexico, Mexico

Income Distribution in Mexico City, Mexico

Quarterly average current income by household deciles, by year of survey (Pesos) in Mexico City (Capital) and Mexico (National)

Income Growth

  • Both Capital and National incomes have increased across all deciles from 2020 to 2022.
  • The average income in the Capital increased from 57,370 to 63,695 (10.9% growth).
  • The average income Nationally increased from 76,810 to 89,310 (16.3% growth).

Income Inequality

  • There’s a significant gap between the lowest (1st decile) and highest (10th decile) incomes in both years and for both Capital and National figures.
  • In 2022, the 10th decile in the Capital earned about 15 times more than the 1st decile.
  • Nationally, in 2022, the 10th decile earned about 14.7 times more than the 1st decile.

Regional Differences

  • National incomes are consistently higher than Capital incomes across all deciles.
  • The gap between National and Capital incomes seems to widen in higher deciles.

Growth Patterns

  • Lower deciles appear to have experienced slightly higher percentage increases in income compared to higher deciles, particularly in the Capital.
  • The 10th decile nationally saw a notably larger increase compared to other deciles.

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