Market Research Interviews: Face-to-face and online interviews

Market Research being conducted - Face-to-face interview and Online Interview

Market Research Interview: Face-to-face and online interviews

Interviews are an important aspect in the market research process. It allows businesses to understand the nuanced and encompassing aspects of the market through gathering in-depth information and understanding consumer needs.

What are interviews in the context of market research?

Interviews are used in various contexts and situations. In the context of market research, interviews are conducted in an either qualitative or quantitative manner (depending on the research objectives) to gather data. These interviews are a widely used method in market research to gather insights from individuals or groups to know more about their perspective, preferences, opinions, attitudes, and behaviours of a specific product or service.

How are interviews conducted in market research?

There are several methods of collecting data through interviews, as listed below (list is non-exhaustive): 

  • Personal Interviews
  • Group Interviews
  • Surveys / Questionnaires

These different forms of interview may take place face-to-face or online, depending on the requirements of the market research.

Face-to-face interviews for market research

Face to face interview during market research. In a physical location, interviewer is asking interviewee questions.

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  • Face-to-face (also known as F2F) interviews occur in-person, where the interviewer and the interviewee are at the same physical location.
  • Face-to-face methods are highly advantageous for researchers seeking to gather comprehensive qualitative insights, such as respondent’s reactions. 

Advantages of face-to-face interviews

Disadvantages of face-to-face interviews

Online interviews for market research

Online interview during market research. On a video conferencing tool, interviewer is asking interviewee questions.

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  • Online interviews are conducted over the internet. It can occur synchronously (takes place in real-time, such as by video call, web conferencing, live chats) or asynchronously (takes place not in real-time, such as email, pre-recorded images/video, Google Forms).
  • Online interviews are more preferable in situations where the interview respondents are spread across a large geographical area or when researchers require access to specific demographics such as expert interviews in niche markets.
  • Online interviews serve as an alternative to face-to-face interviews, especially in circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic due to protocols and restrictions.

Advantages of online interviews

Disadvantages of online interviews

GLOBAL ANGLE’s global market research interview expertise

GLOBAL ANGLE provides interviews as a part of our market research services. We have conducted interviews worldwide, both physically and virtually.

Find out more about our interview services here.

Read how we carried out our market research interview methodologies through our case studies below.

Contact us to find out more about how we can help your business grow through our interview services.

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